Is God good or is He just really good at being good?

I grew up thinking that God was just really, really good at being good. You know, like Michael Jordan was really good at basketball. Yea, God was like the MJ of being good. The best. No one’s good could contend with his good.

But then 6 years ago I had a thought that changed everything…

‘God is not good at being good. God IS good’

Sounds like the same thing but there’s a HUGE difference.

It’s like saying to me ‘Brady, you’re so good at being a guy’.


I’m not good at being a guy. I AM a guy. Literally, I am a male.

Big diff.

Being a guy is not something I do really well. Its also not something I’m skilled at. Its who I am.
In the same token, good is not something God does. Its also not something he’s skilled at. Its who he is.

God IS good.

Get it?


I’ve heard a pastor say it this way, “God is good all the time because that is his nature.”

Job captures this in a profound way.

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.”

Even in the darkest hour of his life [and by dark I mean he literally just lost everything including most of his family at the same time], Job praised God. Why?

Because God is good… no matter what.

Contrary to what we sometimes legitimately feel, seasons of life no matter how hard or difficult don’t change the nature of God.

God is always good like I’m always a guy. Job knew this.

God was good when Job had plenty and still good after Job lost everything. [Because that is his nature]
He was good when the world was perfect and good after the fall.
Good when Joseph rose to power and good when Josephs children spent 400 years in slavery.
Good when Jesus was born and good when Jesus died on the cross.
Good in life and good in death.

God IS good all the time.
All the time, God IS good.

I’ve experienced a lot of frustrations, difficulties, and trials in the last year. It stinks. Really stinks. But it is at times like these that I’m really glad that I’m not trusting a God that’s the MJ of being good.

I’m glad He IS good.

So, I’m not just leaning into him to do something good. I’m leaning into who he is. I’m hopeful for good to come out of this because he is the author of good. I wouldn’t even know what good is without him.

If God still exists then there’s always hope for good because He is good.

And oh is He SO good.

1 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His loving-kindness is everlasting (Psalms 107:1).

When is it hardest for you to believe that God is good in your life? Around the world?
Other honest thoughts/feelings on the idea of God being good all the time?

*thoughts from Sammy & myself*